ECV turned into emergency C section

BRI 🥜 • ~ FTM with a sassy little boy named Gabriel ~

Heres a little back story so the rest of the story makes sense..

At 30 weeks I had my first car wreck, I got T-boned by another car which sent me into preterm labor. Contractions were 1 minute apart and so very painful.. So I was rushed into the hospital pumped full of two bags of magnesium and 2 steroid shots.. eventually got sent home.

Now my little guy had been breech the entire pregnancy I had been trying to flip him but no success. So when I went into have my ECV done at 36 weeks because I wanted to attempt a vaginal birth I g


the thrilling news that my fluids were EXTREMELY low..

Now here's where the car wreck comes into play turns out I had been leaking fluid slowly since the wreck.. Despite me telling my OB several times I had excessive discharge. They played it off has regular pregnancy discharge. Well my little guy was in distress so even though i went in for an ECV so I could attempt a vaginal birth i was rushed into the OR for a c section cause he had to come out now at 36 weeks.

He weighed 5lbs 12oz and only spent an hour in the NICU ! 💙

Despite the craziness and the sudden change in my birth plan I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my little peanut Gabriel James 🥜

and here's him now at 1 month old