Name calling

My boyfriend of 3 years has changed recently. He has a new group of friends and has changed drastically. It’s to where he doesn’t see his daughter unless I bring her over. She is 8 months now, and he went from seeing her 3 times a week to 0. H e has been calling me names lately like bitch, wuss, and saying that I am immature. Just because I voice my opinions and try to tell him about my feelings. He tells me I need to learn to manage it on my own. He started calling me a wuss because I don’t smoke weed, I don’t vape, and I can’t drink. I choose not to do these things, he’s never been like this but recently he’s been abusive and thinking he’s above the world just because he found a job and “cool” friends. He also says that’s something I need. Please help me. I will be willing to text anyone that is willing to hear me out or talk with me instead of at me.