My Advice of what I know


I’m only 5w n no I don’t know a whole lot but I’ve done a lot of research and had some experiences already. So here’s my advice to you

1.) lotion/ oil your belly it’ll help prevent stretch marks and a itchy dry belly

2.) put olive oil on your who-ha no it won’t smell but it’ll make it more elastic when you do give birth

3.) take things one day at a time remember this baby’s going to take longer then you.

4.) have your hubby massage your breasts it relieves pressure n stress

5.) get sleep if that what you’re body’s asking for

6.) no matter how far you are go for walks the baby will love it

7.) DONT be scared to ask for help a baby can be a lot of work. Family is here for a reason.

8.) when it comes to buying i say buy the big stuff that can be gender mutual first then get diapers and clothes there lighter n easier to Cary when your further along

9.) DONT forget to eat lots and drink plenty of water best part about be pregnant is that take advantage of it

10.) enjoy the pregnancy and let the baby grow at its own pace no matter how much you just wanna see them and never be scared to call your obgyn/Dr.