April 25 2018 at 38weeks exactly I had seen my doctor and was 3cm dilated

Nicolette • Mommy to Mia Skye💜

April 25 2018 at 38weeks exactly I had seen my doctor and was 3cm dilated. The last thing he told me was if you leave my office today and walk up and down these streets for a bit, I don’t think you will make it through the night. 

After my appointment I went home to eat and was trying to figure out how I was going to walk tonight in the pouring rain. Well hello why not jump on the treadmill that’s been sitting here for nine months and hasn’t been touched 🤦🏻‍♀️. 

I got on and snapped a picture for Instagram @ 9:45pm captioning it “I’m walking this baby out of me tonight”. I walked for about fifteen/twenty minutes and gave up, I was exhausted. I jumped in the shower and laid down to watch tv with my boyfriend. 

Once I laid down my contractions began & I was timing them at every ten minutes. My doctor told me not to go to the hospital until they are 4 minuets apart. I got out of bed to go sit in the rocking chair because the contractions started to get more intense. Now at this time it is about 11:30 pm, I was rocking away when I felt a little wet between my legs so I stood up and water started POURING down my leg. 

My boyfriend turned pale as can be and jumped out of bed, we arrived at the hospital at 12:05am  April 26 2018. 

I waited patiently for the epidural, I could not take the pain. My mom and his mom both arrived who also stayed in the room during the delivery. 

I was 10cm dilated @ 6:30am and it was time to push. I’ve never been so exhausted in my life. I literally felt the life getting sucked out of me after every push but I just kept going. At one point the nurses left me so my boyfriend was counting and holding my legs back, he probably could have relieved this baby on his own he was amazing. 

7:59am an hour and a half later my beautiful 8lb 8oz 21in baby girl Mia Skye was born.