Progesterone vs early preggo symptoms


Hey y'all! This is my first post, along with a lot of other firsts! I did my 1st <a href="">IUI</a> on Monday morning! Here is my journey so far... I did 50mg of clomid on cycle day 2-7. Did an HSG and everything was great! Then trigger shot on Sunday 5/6 at 6:45am. <a href="">IUI</a> was at 11:00am next day Monday 5/7. I did OPKs the few days before trigger shot to make sure I didn't miss a natural LH surge. Everything was negative. However, I did my trigger shot which was Ovidrel on Sunday morning and never got a positive OPK after that. Very odd. The pregnancy test was positive though so the hormone was detected in my system. That does slightly worry me. My gut is telling me the timing of <a href="">IUI</a> wasn't right but maybe I'm overthinking. <a href="">IUI</a> went great! Doctor then put me on progesterone suppositories starting last night (day after <a href="">IUI</a>). However, upon putting in the progesterone my CM was thin and milky. Something I had not noticed before. But at that point I was barley over a day past the <a href="">IUI</a>. Woke up with crazy amounts of CM. Thick and white and creamy. Then experienced for the first time about 30 mins of nausea this morning with my gag reflexes a little extra. This very well could be the progesterone. Really not experiencing any other symptoms at all. The day of <a href="">IUI</a> and day after I was bloated and gassy and felt these little twinges that would come and go in uterus area. Could just be irritation from the <a href="">IUI</a>. I'm really trying to figure out what could be early pregnancy symptoms versus the progesterone. Anyone else experience this? I want to say the slight morning sickness threw me off and the CM but since last night was the first dose of progesterone, I'm trying not to get any hopes up. My concern is my <a href="">IUI</a> was done a little late in the game. That's my worry but we will see! How long after <a href="">IUI</a> did you guys wait to test? My doctor told me 12 days after <a href="">IUI</a> but that seems soon. So hard not to get hopes up with all this and read into every little feeling. Was anyone here on progesterone but could differentiate between side effects and early pregnancy symptoms??