Breastfeeding advice for a defeated mother

Jenn • Yours, Mine, and Ours! Our modern day Brady bunch family! 💗💗💗

I'm getting so defeated... My baby won't latch anymore because he doesn't get any milk fast enough but I was determined to be exclusively breastfeeding so I pump and feed him in a bottle. Problem there is I'm not producing near enough fast enough. My right breast maybe gets 1/4 oz and my left get about 1/2 oz everytime I pump, which is every two hours. So in total it takes me 4 hours to obtain 1.5oz...i have been doing this for about three days now with no sign of increase. I'm taking vitamins, eating plenty, and drinking lots of water. I don't know what to do anymore to increase my supply and keep up with my sons feeding. He eats 2oz every 3 hours... I don't want to give up but I'm struggling to sustain my sons hunger right now and its killing me and making me feel so defeated. I fought through mastitis as well and I thought once that went away my supply would kick in but it hasn't. Is there any advice on how to increase my supply so I don't have to supplement with formula?