should i breakup with him or wait a while?

Anastazia • 19 🌻 Scorpio 🌻 College freshman

When me and my boyfriend first started dating everything was good and our relationship seemed to be going in the right direction. Recently, his communication is not as good as it used to be. I was at home and we were texting for a while and all of the sudden no texts, calls, or any kind of communication for a few days. After that I get a text "hey baby wyd" I asked him why he didn't reply for a few days, he says he went out of state and didn't bring his phone with him. That really bothers because first of all who travels without their phone, and why couldn't he have told me about this before he left?? And in the past week he is starting to text and call only late at night, I have missed calls and texts from him between 12 and 3 am. I'm already asleep by then and he doesn't text during the day anymore. We are currently long distance he moved to a different state a few months ago but we're still in the same time zone. I have told him a few times already that we need to change these communication issues and all he says is "I know" Nothing has changed yet so idk if I should just break up with him or wait a while to see if we can work it out