3 Year Old With Diarrhea for 6+ months

Lauren • 👼🏼💜👦🏼💙🌈👶🏼💙

My son is 3 and was constipated from the time I started giving him cereal (6 months) until about 6-7 months ago when he started having diarrhea and it hasn’t stopped. I kept telling his idiot dr and he just brushed it off until his 3 year check up a few weeks ago. He gave him probiotics, and Claritin and said he may be having allergies to something. I just brought him in for a tick bite (dr says it’s a spider bite and wait a week to see if it turns more into a bulls eye) and he gave me adult probiotics to give him and told me I need to keep track of his diet and when he poops/what it looks like until June 3rd... he then wants him to have his stomach x-rayed, test him for celiacs, and send him to a GI. I’ve been telling him since this started that it’s a problem because he’s always been constipated. Idk what to do and I can’t get him into another doctor until next month. Has anyone else ever had a problem with their kids pooping or is it just mine? Lol