How can I make sex better for my boyfriend

He’s had a lot of experience with sex, he’s done a lot of crazy thing with sex. He’s been with a lot of women. I’ve heard stories of what other women have done and how crazy the experiences are with just random women.

I’m like, not so experienced. I’ve had some crazy experiences and quite a bit of partners. But, not like him.

How do I get better? I want to be the best he’s had (I defiantly have not been)

And I mean by better by- to like...WOW him. I want to give him the best foreplay and the best sex.

I’m shy, I’m insecure slightly. I always ask how it is after. Sometimes he says- it was good, ok, rated a 4 out of 10. But never “amazing”

Help! If I’m going to spend the rest of my life with him, I’d like to be a good sex partner.!