Anyone know what she meant by this?


I took a sustainability’s class this semester that was honestly hell. It was a 100 level course (suppose to be easy), but the workload was like 3-4 hours a night (just for this one class), and the midterm was FIVE hours long. Anyway, we also had a group project that we worked on throughout the class with a group of 3. This girl and I were friends before this class and she and I did this project together. She honestly barely tried the entire class, rarely did the massive amounts of homework, didn’t bother coming to class even though attendance was mandatory, basically just overall didn’t give a shit. Well today grades went up and this was our conversation:

What does she mean by, “Oh I forgot you can just choose to get an A lmfao”?

This comment had me like what? Because we literally talked about how she didn’t care about this class and how I was really pushing myself all semester to make sure I got As in every class.