Food for baby


The short: We are trying to transition our 10m old to ‘real’ food (solid food that we would eat). I don’t like to cook but I know that needs to change. What are some good foods that I can make for my son and I?

The novel: My son is almost 10 months old. Since 6 months he’s eaten 3 hearty meals a day - yogurt for breakfast, cereal and/or fruit and veggie purée mix for lunch, and vegging and meat purée mix for dinner. He eats puffs and rice crackers for snacks, gets 2-3 formula bottles throughout the day, and water as he’ll take it. We’ve given him bites of our food, stuff that seemed safe, here and there and he loved it and ate it fine. In the past couple weeks I’ve given him fresh sliced avocado, banana, and strawberries. He self fed himself the first couple times and the next couple times he would eat it but only if we fed it to him 🤷🏼‍♀️. At our 9m appointment our Ped suggested getting him to eat more of our food, and now daycare is asking us to bring food in for him. We told them about the solid food we have been giving him and they said no, more like spaghetti 🙄. Problem is... I don’t cook. My husband works nights and I’m still struggling with taking care of a baby on my own and I eat frozen meals. I don’t even know how to plan and cook a real meal, sadly. I’m SO stressed about trying to think of things I can easily make for myself that I can also offer my son - I would greatly appreciate any suggestions. Thank you!!!