Period or miscarriage?

I’m a college student. I have been stressed over finals, for the past two weeks, nothing I hadn’t been eating well, not really hungry and if I ate, I feel nauseous and sick to my stomach. Well Monday I started cramping really bad, thinking it was my period coming soon. I’m not the type that gets cramps usually it’s rare and if so I get it a week before I start. Anyway, the cramps lasted two days and it hurt bad, my lower back started hurting as well. Well yesterday I was at library and I went to the rr bcuz I though I had started. My underwear were soaked. I don’t know how I didn’t feel that. Came home took a shower and peed on toilet. And there were blood clots. Now I know it’s normal for blood clots to come out but something doesn’t feel right. Emotionally. My stomach doesn’t hurt nor my back. But my vagina feels swollen and I can’t even put a tampon on cuz it’s uncomfortable but I always wear them. I’ve been emotional all day and I don’t know if it’s bcuz it’s normal or if maybe I did miscarry with out knowing I was pregnant...