Husband venting

Does anyone else's husband just not seem to understand what we are going through being pregnant? I'm 34 weeks and so hormonal lately and sometimes tired and he'll just say "what do you mean you're tired? What did you do all day?" It's not like I lay in bed all day. And I swear he thinks I'm crazy when I get upset and emotional and cry about little things, he can be so mean about it sometimes. He will purposely try to set me off and I don't understand why. Like tonight, he said "well our little girl will be here soon. You got exactly what you wanted on the first shot- a girl" and I said well we will try for a boy in a few years (which we've talked about numerous times, how we both want a boy and a girl so this is nothing new) and he said, "I'll be too old by then (he's 10 years older than me and just being dramatic) but sure whatever YOU want to do, it's always about YOU, it's your world and I'm just living in it" I started crying because like I said, I'm emotional and I don't know why he would say this. He said he was just kidding and wanted to see how I would act when I "didn't get my way" like wtf. I need support right now, not this shit. The other night I was really emotional and he cuddled with me on the couch and we watched tv. So I don't know if he's just in a bad mood or had a bad day but he gets like that sometimes and I'm sick of it. He won't even come in and apologize. I'm just sitting in bed crying while he plays his game. I know he's nervous as his life is about to change a lot, both of our lives. And maybe he doesn't know how to handle it. But undermining my feelings and making me feel like a burden for being emotional and tired isn't fair. Like I said sometimes he's great and supportive and will hold me when I'm feeling down but other times he flips a switch and I hate it. Anyone else's man do the same or are they all great supportive husbands? :( sorry for the long post

*i should add that yes he was hoping for a boy, and was a little shocked and confused when we found out it was a girl (he told me this later after the fact) but has since come around and is excited to have a girl. He talks to my belly all the time and says how he can't wait to hold her, he hugs me at night and says "I love my two girls". So I know he's happy and excited for her but dee down I know he wants a son and when he says things like he did tonight like how I got what "I" wanted, it doesn't sound nice. And then when I tell him we'll try for a son in the future as we planned and he gets all dramatic and says it's not going to be a boy but we'll try anyway to give ME what "I" want. I swear it's like he gets his period sometimes. And there's literally no talking to him. I can't tell him how it makes me upset, he truly does not get it and doesn't see what he's doing.