A little obsessed!

Courtney • First child beautiful son born 5/6/2015. Second son born 9/8/2016. Third son born 3/9/2018. Baby #4 heaven baby Sept 2018. Rainbow Twins due thanksgiving 2019!

Let me start of by saying my first two babies I strictly breastfed and only pumped when I worked. I have always been a power producer. Women are just very gifted in our family. Well this baby, baby #3 we didn’t get to breastfeed by latching because he was severely lip tied and we couldn’t ever get him strong enough to pull the required amount needed to gain weight (even after clipping it) so we started supplementing using pumped milk. This led me to become an exclusive pumper. Which sucks! Well like I said I always knew I could produce a lot but never really knew how much till now.

I am beyond proud of my stash. My badge of pride.

I’m 8.5 weeks PP and I have 1400 oz in my deep freezer and pumping over 80 oz a day. Love!!!!

This isn’t to “rub it in” or me being ugly...just me being beyond proud of all my hard work. I could have gave up when my baby couldn’t latch but I chose to give up sleep and pump instead. Only the best for my baby.