Help with coworker


Ok I really need to get something off of my chest. I have a male coworker that continues to touch me to the point of hurting me (flicking, poking, etc.) even after I’ve told him to stop. I’m not even telling him to stop in a joking tone, I’m dead serious. I’ve even confronted him around other people and he still doesn’t stop. He’ll also do things like pretend to punch me in my stomach (I’m 35 weeks pregnant) and when I’m typing a note into a patient’s chart (I’m a nurse) he’ll smash his hands on my keyboard so that my note is ruined and I have to start over. I don’t see him behaving like this with other coworkers, only me. I’m legit scared of him. He’s 6’5” and over 300lbs. But I’ve heard other coworkers describe him as a “teddy bear” so I’m feeling conflicted about what I’ve been going through. I’ve been wondering if I’m exaggerating and just feeling overly sensitive because I’m pregnant, or if I should report him to my manager. I’m scared that she will tell him and his behavior will escalate, or she won’t believe me and nothing will happen. He makes me not want to go to work. I’ve never dealt with something like this before and any advice would be helpful.