baby was born april 25th sorry!


so I have been on this group since the BEGINNING. I WAS DUE May 2nd I had a c section unfortunately because he was stuck in my birth canal..

(he has a large head and apparently none of the females in my family wanted to tell me that we have rather small birth canals until D DAY and my dad told me it's okay my mom had a similar issues with us. thanks Mom for the update on my body 🤪🤦🤦🤦🤦) but recovery for me was physically great but emotionally and mentally exhausting. this is the first time I can actually sit down and write.

so I'm sorry I didn't let y'all know especially those of us who were waking up every morning to see all the beautiful babies being born. so this is my beautiful baby boy Roger he's the easiest going baby in the world. rarely cries but when he does man you know there's a problem. hes my little pterodactyl ♥️♥️