Weird Dream

It started out at school,and I was at gym-I saw my friend,and some other people + the 4th and 5thgrders -they had a field day. I realized that it was a dream so I thought lets go see my friend who lives in another state. But then I 'woke up' I couldnt move,and I wanted to turn on the lights. But then I"m randomly put next to my friend shaelyn,and we're listening to Hamilton. I could hear her singing clearly along. It was weird,but then the earbuds were yanked out of our ears. ...No more Hamilton,then I supposedly fell asleep again,and was back at the school-running around with my friends,and then I realized it was yet another dream. So i bit myself to wake up,and then I did. 'Wake up'. So I bit myself again,and it didnt hurt but my whole body felt numb,and I couldnt.move it. So I assumed I was awake. But I was under my blanket,amd when I stuck my eyes out it was pitch black,and I couldnt see anything,or feel anything. But towards the end of thiswhatever it was It felt like I was trying to peel open my eyelids,and I saw a flash of light,and heard something say wake up which is what confused me. ......... So uhm,what do you think. Am I a middle schooler going crazy?