Turned into April baby...


Went in for induction Two weeks ago due to high blood pressure. Failed cervidil but had contractions back to back 1 minute but no changes to my cervix after 24 hours. I was started on cytotec, failed cytotec. At that point I chose to go with the csection because he needed to come out due to blood pressures. I got my epidural and was taken into the OR. I was pretty anxious after 48 hours of laboring and little sleep. After they got me ready they pinched me in the area and I could still feel so they put me under general anesthesia, woke up and had to wait to see baby 8 hours bc his sugars but I was thankful he was healthy overall. He was 5lb 5 oz. The next day I went into preeclampsia, had to get some magnesium and was loopy for two days then I had nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and fever for a day. Crazy, not sure if it was a stomach bug or my body reacting to the meds. I was sad that I was unable to breastfeed bc I was so weak and unable to take care of my baby as much as I wanted to. My husband was a champ and did everything and I am so thankful for him. I'm on BP meds now and on bedrest still. Charlie had some temp issues and bili problems bc of his size (super tiny) but he's doing well and we are both on the mend. Despite the craziness it was so worth it to have him. Now hopefully I can get off these meds that make me feel icky in a few weeks.