Late AF + High temp & BFN test 😩

Erin • Wife & Mumma of 3 💕

Hi ladies,

I’m hoping for some guidance with my chart. I have missed a few days, this is my first cycle charting again, since my MC in January.

My AF is now 2 days late, I have never been late my entire AF cycle life, if anything it’s always arrived the day of or a day or two before scheduled (if I’ve been stressed or running around like a headless chook!)

I’m so confused, I’ve done tests the last two days with a BFN (both FRER & pregnosis brands).

I didn’t have any of the usual cramps around my scheduled ovulation, instead around CD24. I’ve never ovulated that late in my cycle, but understand it’s still possible.

My temp is still sitting up at 37.05 (98.7f) which is still high.

I just don’t know what’s happened to my perfectly timed cycles 😭😭