Feeling so happy 😊


So im 16 weeks 4 days today and I had my monthly prenatal. At my last prenatal I was only 12 weeks so they couldn't find the babys heart beat. Today, I told the Dr the baby seems to stay mostly on my left side, as soon as she put the Doppler on the left side of my tummy you could hear the strong heart beat of the Baby! It was in the 150s and we got it for a good length if time, the Dr said it sounded perfect! im so excited and relieved. I was so sure that im carrying a boy but now im second guessing that because its been true with all my 4 children, if the heartbeat is over 140 it was a girl, we find out the gender on May 23 so I guess we will see then. 😊Thanks for reading, I just had to share my happiness lol