Today’s the Day!


Currently in the hospital chilling with the epidural and feeling amazing. While I wait for the midwife to come check me again I wanted to share about the pre labor stuff. I was up a lot of the early morning hours having a lot of cramping like I have the last few days. Every other day it’s gone away as soon as I get up but today it kind of stuck around but I didn’t think it was strong enough to go in or even to call in quite yet. My mom (who is a nurse) is on my case to call the midwife and just check and I’m like “Mom it’s not strong enough yet!”

Then I started throwing up so I thought I’d call to see what that was about. They wanted to see me since I was just checked on Monday and was already at 5 cm!

I came in and was still at 5 cm but they hooked me up to monitors in the office and determined that I was contracting regularly (I didn’t think they were timeable at home but it turns out that was just bc i couldn’t focus at home with my toddler- they were very regular). After an hour of monitoring I was at a 6 which is when they admit. So I got to go home and get my bags and get my toddler situated and then came back up to L&D.; Contractions didn’t get bad for a few more hours but I’m glad I came in sooner or I might have missed my window for an epidural!

All this to say: don’t be like me and be afraid to go in to get checked. It could turn out to be something!