2 week wait!

So me and my wife decided we wanted to do the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> in home insemination and I’m going crazy!!😭 so I’ve been having weird cravings , I sleep all the time, more than usual , I’ve been having weird cramps , my boobs are sore and my nipples have gotten bigger and i have lower back pain.. today when I woke up I got really bad cramps. IT feels like the cramps you get before you start your period but it comes and goes..I’m suppose to start my period May 16th or 17th so I’m not sure if it’s the cramps because I’m about to have my period or what!! It’s killing me to know! lol and I have been peeing non stop , I can’t hold my pee anymore , and I have been having random headaches, mood swings, and constipation! And i feel extremely bloated! I have one more week to go and then I can find out if it’s a baby or not! this is our FIRST baby we are trying to have and im freaking lol! Send baby prayers our way!! 😭❤️🙏🏽

Anyone else having these symptoms!?