Check this out!


I’m 38+2, I have had 2 vaginal births and my 3rd was a emergency csection because they “thought” she was breech. At the very beginning of my pregnancy I told my doctor I want a VBAC, and I have been so excited thinking she was going to allow it. She said “yes you are the perfect candidate, but I’ll have to induce you at 38 weeks😔” so I did my research and decided I would rather go naturally. I went for my appt last week, and was dilated to a 4, but she said I was funneling. The outer part of my cervix was a 4, but the inner (towards the baby) was a 1-2. She then stated that if I go into labor on my own the doctors there will cut me open if she doesn’t make it in time. Or she will just schedule me for a repeat🙄 also she said if I do go into labor NOT to labor at home at all. I’ve been walking, taking my EPO, drinking my RRL tea and bouncing, rolling my hips on my ball. My biggest fear is that they are going to cut me open. I don’t feel it’s necessary. I’m perfectly healthy. I bought the ingredients for “Midwives brew” after extensive research. And I am wondering should I just drink it, and labor at home as long as possible. Or allow her to induce-cut me? Please help me out! I’m terrified of another csection. Also if any of you have tried that brew please let me know if it worked, if you had complications. Thank you!

Also the research I have done shows a high success rate and laboring at home lessens the chance of csection. And it’s a better alternative than being induced using pitocin. (Which can cause uterine rupture).

Please someone just ease my fears. Help me out ladies.