Telling my coworkers

I told my boss & she was more than welcoming when I told her I was pregnant! But I don’t wanna tell my coworkers because they’re literally so judge mental especially because I’m the youngest one who works in the office. So I’m constantly trying to hide my bump! Idk when or how I should tell them?! Help?

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Posted at
Your coworkers don’t need to be told. As long as your boss is aware that’s all that matters. If they ask you, you can simply confirm and move along.


Posted at
I need to tell my boss but want to wait until after the anatomy scan if I can. I’m already slightly showing at 16 weeks and I don’t know how long I can hide it. Honestly we haven’t even told our families and this is our second. I hate the attention and all the questions. I prob won’t tell my coworkers...they’ll just find out through the good ol work gossip chain I’m sure.


Posted at
Yeah, I’m not close with any of my coworkers because I don’t work in the same office. I just see them at meetings every other week. I’m not planning on saying anything, they’ll notice soon enough. However, whenever people are judgmental or rude about pregnancy, that is their issue. If they can’t be happy and supportive of someone growing a human, then they are the problem.