
Amanda • 🌿🌰🌱
Well. I'm almost 15 weeks along and I've had a midwife I'm totally in love with who really listens to me and cares for me in a way i always wished i could've had with my first two. Sadly, I'm not sure what to do right now. I'm so dizzy i cant stand for very long with out passing out or puking or falling. I'm bleeding and i have cramps. I've been to the hospital and honestly the doctOr was basically like "i don't know what's wrong, sorry. Maybe bed rest?" But when i talked to my mid wife she really doesn't want to sign off on bed rest because she wants me to still be actively trying to walk but not be forced into anything and be able to lay whenever needed. Meaning I'm basically not able to work but have no written reason saying i cant? I dont know what to do. Im just crying and panicking because i dont want an ob again. The ones in this town are abusive pieces of trash and im terrified.