1 month old 😍


3 years ago i was mourning the loss of my first miscarriage. i definitely did not know how hard ttc was going to be and that i would suffer 2 more losses after that. month after month i begged god to hear my prayers and mend my broken heart. i had lost all hope. i gave up, turned my back on god and was done. i was mentally broken after my last misscarige and i never wanted to endure such pain agin so i stopped trying. my relationship with my husband went down hill and we fought everyday. but god didnt give up on me, on us, he had a plan and im forever greatful for him. my family is complete. my heart is full of joy. im forever greatful for glow and this group expecially for helping me through those rough times because without you all i would have never got this far. happy 1 month mason oliver 😍 mamma loves you