Mother in law

I have a meddling mother in law and she wants me to do things her way and I refuse to. This is what caused a huge fight which ended communication between us, but not her and my husband they still talk. So now my mother in law every chance she gets tells my husband that he shouldn't pick sides he should be on his mothers side not mine. (She's his stepmom not his bio mom she passed away when he was 5) basically she said she is his mother and I come second. I get angry with my husband and tell him to stop being a floor mat she walks all over and stand up for me and his kids, but he doesn't. I don't know where I see myself in a few years or even in a year, she won't leave me alone. Am I a bad person to want her to not be in any part of my life? I am 8 weeks pregnant and this is too much stress what can I do?