

Hey everyone I know it’s gonna be to much info but still would like to share and ask if anyone has experienced the same.

So I got 3 hemoroidds and had them for a year then my gp referred me to a specialist he advised me to have them band and a colonoscopy as I was getting a bit of blood on the stool and on the toilet paper.

He did the colonoscopy and band 3 internal hemoroidds and told me it will get better from here,the pain after that was terrible for a few days,but I still had the itching and pain so I went back to the specialist and he checked and said it’s normal but it kept on n on like this after the treatment I had gone to him 3 times with the same problem.

After sometime it got better but it again started sometime back and again I have pain blood and itching after the bm.

Has anyone experienced this??

Pls let me know as am really upset and down in life with this.
