birth story (little late lol)


so i know im a bit late but better late than never right lol

so i had my 37 week check up jan 8 (my birthday) was 3.5cm and 100% effaced. and got my 2nd membrane sweep done. had contractions off and on the entire day and had been trying everything! to get labor started. birth ball long walks spicy food 2 tbsp of castor oil and still no contractions good consitant enough. so on jan 9 i ended up getting delayed birthday sex lol and thats when things took a step up. it was almost 1130pm and i felt a little gush. brushed it off and being from sex or little boy kicked my bladder yet again as it wasnt anything huve. i stood up and next thing i knew my pants were slowly getting soaked. so i went and took a shower and changed into clean clothes. took me about an hour before i finally decided to go to L&D; even ate me a super late dinner 😂. fast forward to about 230am i finally call my family and tell them that ill be delivering in a few hours (i drove my self to the hospital) and get started on pitocin since i wasnt in active labor yet around 330 i finally get the epidural but due to my scoliosis it worked a tad bit too well. i ended up paralyzed from the ribcage down couldnt move anything but my head and arms. parts of my throat were slowly going numb and my blood pressure spiked oxygen dropped and me and my sons heart rates slowed drastically. then after a little over 8 hours of active labor and 5 pushes later my son was born into the world @10:26am 7lbs 2oz and 19.5 inches long❤

sorry for the long story 😂 heres some adorable pics to make up for the read lol