6 weeks 1 day and bleeding... I need piece of mind!


I started spotting last night, went into the ER to atleast have my HCG levels check as I haven’t had my first appointment yet (Monday is when I go in) and that way my doctor can recheck when I go in Monday just to make sure it’s doubling every 48hrs. The spotting has been on and off since last night and this was the most I’ve had (nothing now) and that was this morning. The ER doctor said my level was at 1900 BUT baby is measuring 5 weeks 1 day. When I asked if I should be worried, he told me yes. 😔 I have no back pain, only gassy cramps (I havent been to the bathroom in 2 or 3 days now). I’ve been wearing a pad for an hour and a half, no blood yet. He really got in my head telling me I should be worried. Anyone experience something similar and their pregnancy progress as it should and everything turn out fine?!