
FTM here and i just want to start by saying in these first 2 weeks of my daughters life I’ve posted in here nearly 100 times lol you ladies definitely keep me from running her to the dr every single day! This is so new to her dad and i and i worry about her even when there’s no need to worry lol so thank you ladies!

For the past couple of days my 2 week old daughter has been gagging then swallowing. when she spit up once i saw what looked to be mucus. I took her to her pediatrician this morning and he listened to her chest and checked her ears AND MOUTH and told me she was okay! And that it was “normal”. But she just started doing this. He said that newborns have a little mucus and her drinking formula actually flares it a little.

She isn’t crying in pain, eating normal and seems to be breathing fine. She just sounds like her throat is stuffy and seems uncomfortable ☹️☹️ are there any medications i can buy that can help treat this or do i just let it run its course? (Please don’t tell me let it run it’s course 😕😂)