Getting back on track


Not-so-recently lost 22 pounds, going from 189 to 167 and an XL to a medium. I feel great, even though I plan to lose more. Although, I’ve stopped because I lost my motivation and the diet I was on wasn’t sustainable so I started eating whatever tf I wanted. Causing me to binge and eat all sorts of things. Surprisingly, I didn’t gain any weight. I stopped losing weight in April and I hope to get back to my self that was determined to lose weight and was extremely motivated to sticking to my calories. I guess I’m just posting this so I feel somewhat obligated to go through with this because someone has read it😂 this was my New Years resolution and I never believed I’d get this far, after all I randomly thought it’d be cool to try.

189^ January 1st, first time going to the gym

^167, after doing at home body weight exercises and I was doing them everyday. Nothing could stop me😂😂 I had not been going to the gym for a while