Sick Baby and No Health Insurance


My daughter has been coughing for the past few days. It sounds like she has mucus trapped in her chest and throat Her litte nose is runny as well. It gets worse at night. I bought Zarbees cough & mucus medicine and Zarbees chest rub today. I also gave her a warm bath to help ease her symptoms. I don't know if it is related to allergies or an infection. She was running a fever all day long 3 days ago. It broke after 24 hours. It would come back even after a dose of Tylenol or Motrin. She had a hard time sleeping last night. She literally slept on top of me rather than beside me. I want to avoid going to the pediatrician since she no longer has health coverage after her father lost his job 2 months ago. I'm trying to get Medicaid for her right now, but that is a slow process. But if she doesn't get better I will take her to the pediatrician. and pay out of pocket. Any advice on what I should do?