whats going on

i had a miscarriage in March. my mother wanted me to get on birthcontrol but i dont want to. when i got my birthcontrol, i took one and just stopped. me and my fiance have inrercourse about every day and use no protection and he doesnt pull out. my first period after my miscarriage was May 5th and it was normal but my periods are only 5 days, today is day 7, and I've been spotting for maybe 3 or 4 days. its getting annoying. also my period was early this month. i didnt stop bleeding from the miscarriage until april 4th. and i dont know if because i bled so much from the miscarriage i just didnt get a period in april. but this May period is super early, i usually start aroumd the 20th or later. what could this be?