Birth story


I’m finally getting around to writing my story

So by the weekend of April 14 I was having some lower back pain and some discomfort at my appointment on Monday the 16 doctor checked me said I was a 3 and that we would schedule an induction date Incase I didn’t go on my own. I got the call 10 mins after I left that I would be induced on Wednesday the 18 to be at the hospital at 6 am

I went to work that day 11a to 11p and continued to have back contractions but nothing too close after my shift ended I went home laid down and was still having them some intense some not so tried to get some sleep. Fell asleep about 1 am and by 250 got woke up with some horrible back contractions ranging from 3-5 sometimes 5-7 mins apart took a shower at 4 am fiancé woke up at 640 and I was having some serious pain told fiancé to go ahead and go to work if I needed him I would let him know. So he went off to work at 650

By 730 I was in so much pain and called on call doctor who said to go ahead and come in since i was an hour away

Got to hospital about 840 and got paperwork and gowned decided to walk for hour to see if I could move them along after my walk I was 3-4 my doctor said I could go ahead and stay since I was coming in tomor only bad he was at his clinics and I would have his partner

After iv was started attempted to rest but couldn’t would end up having back labor the whole time at 1230 doctor broke my water and OUCH by 115 I had epidural (thank goodness !!! ) unfortunately hit a nerve first time so had to do it again little man heart rate dropped a bit during epidural and a few contractions after. Epidural worked great on right side and slightly in left I could still feel some contractions but not bad. At 230 I got pitocin to speed it up was at a 7

By 5 I was ready to start pushing had to up my epidural to help with the left side got it so I didn’t have back pain but could still feel them pushed for an hour but was soo exhausted by 6 doctor came in and asked if I wanted assistance; so with the help of doctor with vacuum Kyllyan Jaxson (pronounced killion) was born at 604 weighing 6 lbs 12 oz 20.5 inches long very shocked with his weight we were both expecting 7 or 8 lbs with how big I was I’m enjoying my rainbow baby