My baby scared me 😂 FTM

Mama Of Klara👶🏼 • Taken since 06-24-2010👫💍 3 angels 👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼 🌈 Baby due October 2018

I’ve been having pokes, thumps, and flutters since 16 weeks but last night 18w4d baby FLIPPED. At least I think it was a flip! It felt cold and slimy like a snake slithering in my belly or a fish swimming in a plastic bag. It was the coolest/strangest/creepiest thing I’ve ever felt! I actually screamed and jumped 😂 because I just wasn’t expecting something that powerful!! My first thought was “omg there is something moving in my stomach... “DUH I’m pregnant!? 😂🙈

I’m so excited to feel it again !!