Do/Did your toddlers throw tantrums?

witchy 🌙

We have a 19 month old daughter and lately the tantrums have been getting worse and we don’t know why. The only thing that has changed is me being pregnant so maybe that has something to do with it? We took her out to lunch yesterday and she kept yelling no at us or doing little things to act out. It was embarrassing but she wasn’t screaming so we didn’t remove her. We want her to get used to being in public and learning what is acceptable. A lady at the next table said “People aren’t teaching their kids respect, especially young parents.” Two waitresses came up to us before we left to tell us that they see much worse behavior on a daily basis and that their kids acted similarly at that age. It’s so hard not to be embarrassed and to feel totally lost on what to do during these situations when she’s acting out.

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