Could I have had a chemical pregnancy?


How quickly does hcg go out of your system when you have a "chemical" pregnancy? Reading posts on here has led me to believe I may have had one about 3 years ago. My period is always on time and usually light with only mild cramps. This particular time, it was 8 days late but I never saw a positive test so I chalked it up to stress or the fact that sometimes it will skip or come late. Well I cramped really badly for a few days, no blood. Then the cramps got worse to where I couldn't stand it and I started bleeding, like it was flowing. Couldn't use a tampon, had to use pads and there were alot of clots. Not usual for me. It went on like that first about 3 days then only spotting. I talked to a nurse and she told me what I described sounded just like what happened to her when she had her miscarriage and that my levels may have been too low for a positive hpt and there was no reason to come in because everything had already happened. My mind wasn't settled so I went to the ER and they did a urine test that came back negative and told me I just had a weird period.. Didn't have another period for 2 months and ever since they haven't been the same. Some months they are really heavy and painful, others very light, sometimes I only spotted for a day, and I've missed completely. Does this sound like it could have been a chemical pregnancy?