Feeling Sad


Feeling down...

We told our family about our pregnancy on Sunday because I’ve been so sick and we didn’t think we could hide it anymore. I’m only 7 weeks. We lost our first due to MC. Our family was excited and said “congratulations”. We said “we know it’s early but I’ve been so sick”. They didn’t offer any support. And I’ve heard nothing from my mother since we told her yesterday. I just want my mom to say she’s there for me. Or text me. something( Not looking for a pity party or someone to help me adult-I can manage- I’m just needing a kind word or a “thinking of you” or “I’m excited” or “I love you”.). I’m probably making a big deal of nothing. Goodness knows my hormones are everywhere. I should feel grateful I have a mother in my life who isn’t against this or anything. I know it could be worse. I just thought telling my mother that she would be a grandmother for the first time would be more special. Instead I feel so isolated. And scared. And sad.

Is this at all normal? Has anyone else ever gone through something like this?