Baby is less fussy for Daddy?


I recently had my first girls’ night out since having my son almost 8 months ago, and my husband said our son was perfect the whole time I was gone. He said that when I’m home he seems much more whiny and needy. 😩 Great.

I’m a SAHM so I’m with my son 24/7. He’s generally very easy, but he does get whiny whenever I go into another room, or if I’m in the same room as him and I walk past him without picking him up (this happens a lot because our laundry room is connected to his play room so I’m constantly walking back and forth). He usually gets over it, but it’s still annoying that he doesn’t do that to his dad! I don’t THINK I coddle him too much, but I do play with him quite a bit during the day and sing to him, read to him, etc. He’s got a fun personality so I enjoy it. However, I don’t enjoy being the cause of any fussing. Please tell me I’m not alone, and if I AM alone, what can I do about this? Why is he easier for his dad?