Job/career advice needed!

Laura • 26, grad student 📚 wife 💖 mama to Finn + Atlas 👶🏼

Right now I’m a teacher in an urban public school setting, 7th and 8th grade English. Not only do I HATE my job (not the teaching part, but my school), I no longer feel safe because students have threatened me and sexually harassed me and nothing was done about it. This job provides me with excellent benefits and good pay, though, so it’s hard to justify giving up since I have a baby on the way.

There aren’t any teaching positions available in my area that wouldn’t be a lateral move and I’m really struggling. I’m looking for other jobs, but it seems like my degree doesn’t really qualify me for much. I’ve even applied for admin assistant jobs and been denied. Plus I’m worried about not getting maternity leave.

I can’t stand to stay in this job, but I feel like there’s nowhere else I can go right now that will help me provide for the little bean. Husband works two part-time jobs and will be doing HIS student teaching in the fall. Any advice for this situation would be greatly appreciated!!