Father’s Day

Hey ladies!!!

So me and my husband have a 3 year old who will be 3 this month. I’m also due in July. I wanted to get him something special for Father’s Day but I couldn’t make up my mind. What are some gift ideas, or things you’ve gotten or plan to get?

I was thinking an updated Xbox (his first Father’s Day I got him Xbox one. But he no longer has it-long story)

I was thinking a new gaming desktop considering his laptop screen is busted but it’s a little out of budget.. a lot out of budget 😅😂

I also thought maybe a grill.. or perhaps a bag of goodies like his favorite cologne, shaving balm, and more.. and an Apple Watch.

But the more I think on it.. I’m just a little lost on what to do. So I’d love to hear other ideas. Yes I know that I’ve thought of bigger items, but in all honesty.. he deserves it. So what if he’s spoiled on Father’s Day ☺️😊