

Does anyone else get super annoyed with their husbands/SO?... I get so mad cuz we just moved a few weeks ago and I’m still trying to put stuff in their places and clean and everything and he will literally come home from work (to a clean home) and take his shoes off in the bathroom, take his work clothes off in the living room, leave his plate or dishes in the living room before coming to bed. 😡 and then anytime I ask him to do anything around the house all he does is complains or gets mad that I asked him to do something such as taking some totes to the basement or something.. in these three weeks we have moved he has yet to sweep, do dishes, or laundry or anything else.. ya I get he has a full time job but heck I worked a full time job not long ago and still came home and took care of everything for our other two kids plus everything around the house and he was still this way even tho he is always saying he’s gonna try to help out more. I feel like I seriously get so annoyed at everything lol.. rant over! 😊