7 weeks empty sac


I had my third u/s today and I was told that my pregnancy stopped progressing, because there is a gestational sac, but no yolk sac or fetus! I have a D&C; scheduled for Wednesday. I had another appointment with another doctor for Friday and they suggested that I wait. I have no bleeding just a lot of cramping. My blood work rose from 5000 to only 5060 in four days when it should have at least risen by 60%. I should be 8 weeks, also my mean sac is continuing to grow. This is so crazy. I'm just heartbroken. I am 44 with PCOS and I have 1 son (10) conceived with Clomid and tried again 2 years ago and nothing. Now this baby was conceived naturally and unexpectedly, and I was so overjoyed! But God knows best.💔🙌🏼🙏🏼😔