My SO smells like perfume


I picked him up from class and he smelled like perfume. And I mean bad. It was so strong that it gave me a headache and made me nauseas. It smelled fruity. Like the spray you would give your 5 year old daughter. The cotton candy smell with the glitter that was real popular in the 90s-00s. That's what it smelled like. He said that his professor gave him a hug. (but I know a teacher would not wear something like that). Then it was "Well she gave us a candle". It was a super tiny jasmine candle. (not even close to the same smell). Then it was "oh, I squished a banana in my backpack". And I didn't assume cheating. I personally don't think he's the type to cheat. So I asked if there were girls in his class. And he said there's quite a few. But it was so strong that it was like he sprayed it himself. And then he couldn't tell me where it could be from. And of course, he didn't smell it. I honestly don't what to do or even what to think. All I know is that I'm crying because my future husband smells like perfume. UPDATE: He came home from work (where I dropped him off after class) and threw his hat across the room. I asked him what was wrong several times and he ignored me. I begged him to tell me what was wrong and he said that he didn't want to be with me anymore. He actually accused me of cheating and demanded to know why I didn't pick him up from work (he had to walk) (I didn't know that he was ready or I would have) He continued to tell me everything that was wrong with me and informed me that if he was going to cheat that he already would have. He Said he needs space then got on his Xbox and has ignored me since. I should also clarify that he normally doesn't have class on Monday night. He said his professor divided the last class between two days. (it's normally on Saturday) which I already thought was odd but didn't question it. Which is why I was so upset about the perfume. Something in my gut just didn't feel right. And now that he has came home and treated me the way he did. I know something is up.