First ultrasound today!

Emma • 19 mo twin boys 💙💙 7mo baby boy🤰🏼 baby #4 is a GIRL 🎀 on the way!

So I had my first ultrasound changed from Friday to today! So impatient I know! Mostly I was so curious to see if it was one or more babies as I have twin boys!

So, I’m not as far along as I thought! I’m 5 weeks 4 days with babies due date now being 11th of Jan 2019.

A yolk sac of 4mm could be seen and she said she thinks she could see the baby but no heartbeat yet as I’m too early..

Does this all seem ok?

Also do you think you can predict gender based on where yolk sac is located? This is a transvaginal ultrasound