I'm finnaly converting 😊

Emily • Mother of 1💙 happily married 💙 Muslim convert 💜

I'm so happy I my fiance is taking me tomorrow to convert to Islam I have been intrigued about the Islam religion ever since I met my amazing partner and he has been teaching me so much cant wait to learn more I'm so proud to be able to call myself a Muslim tomorrow and to be part of this years Ramadan and soon I will be able to say our relationship is halal I hate the fact that we are in a haram relationship in every way possible and I'm posting anonymous because I'm embarrassed we have done wrong and I cant wait to make it right and halal please no judgement


I am so proud to finnaly say I am a muslim I converted today and di the nikkah (if that's what it's called still learning 😄) so me and my HUSBAND are now halal I'm so happy