Thoughts .. lost part of mucus plug .. 28 weeks

Third baby... 28 weeks... last week my sister passed away.. I’ve been under some stress .. I’ve noticed that my Braxton Hicks have been a little more frequent but nothing consistent, they have been a little more intense and im having some soreness in my lower belly. I was peeing tonight and heard a “plop” when I went to wipe I noticed a chunk of my mucus plug in the toilet. I see my OB tomorrow and I’m going to mention it. Has anyone ever experienced immense amount of stress/Grief that has caused them issues in their pregnancy ? Also during my second pregnancy I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced at 32 weeks and lost part of my plug, so I’m wondering if this is just normal stuff for my or if the amount of stress I’m feeling is having an effect on my pregnancy?