Paratubal Cyst or Hydrosalpinx???

Jaclyn • TTC baby #1 ; married mom of 2 furbabies

I’ve been seeing a fertility doctor and have had boat loads of tests performed.

I have pcos, however she said all of my levels and hormones look amazing. Husbands count is great.

However, something was noticed on my ultrasound. They aren’t sure if it’s a paratubal cyst or hydrosalpinx. I have to go for a 3D ultrasound on the 24th of this month.

Needless to say I am a nervous wreck. I’m reading hydrosalpinx are caused by either STD or appendicitis both of which I’ve never had.

I’m a nervous wreck. If it were hydrosalpinx it would require surgery. Even reading on these paratubal cysts makes me a nervous wreck. Has anyone ever been in my situation?