Sad and scared...


I always felt like it would be a struggle when the time came for us to TTC. We've been together 7 years, at least 3 of which have been me off of Mirena.. never used condoms.. just the pull out method, and still, no accidents. When I finally went to the doctor because I was 3 months late and getting negative pregnancy tests, she told me my testosterone was slightly elevated. Had the ultra-sound to check for cysts, none. The fiancee and I have decided to start trying before we get married since we have no idea how long it'll take or if it will even happen and I'm honestly scared of it all. We've been engaged since December of 2016 and I really wanted to get married this year and be married before we get pregnant but what if we actively TTC and I don't get pregnant.. What if I do and we can't get married this year? I feel like I'm making problems out of nothing but I'm just full of anxiety and fear and still absolutely heart broken that I've done something wrong to my body and now I'm being punished. When I found out about my hormone levels, I spoke with a friend who has PCOS and she suggested a low-carb diet. I've been eating low carb for a month and have read articles about it not being all its cracked up to be for PCOS. I'm just at a loss and sad because I don't know what to do, where to go or how to feel. I know I should be happy we're trying because I've wanted nothing more than to be a mother, but I just already feel defeated. And trying to have sex every or every other day is hard for us because of work (we own a business which has erratic hours), and my sex drive is damn near non-existent so I'm never in the mood, completely dried up or it hurts and we have to stop. I just want to be a mommy.